Jim Illingworth Millwork, LLC Call us : 315-232-3433
We custom build wood custom windows and window sashes ; double hung, casement, French style, awning, arched top, gothic arch, fixed, attic, transom, interior, storm, screen, storm screen combination insert, replacement, custom made, sashes only or complete units. Reproduce to match existing old traditional and historical or custom manufacture to new custom design.
Glass : single pane putty glazed, double pane insulated, restoration/wavy glass available.
Mullions : authentic true divided lights, built in applied simulated mullions, for insulated glass with divided lights we provide grids between glass to give elusion of true divided lights.
Operations : weights and pulleys, tube balance, spring pins for double hung or single hung, hinged or crank for casement and awning.
We use mortise and tenon joint construction. We use premium grade natural solid wood. We provide prime as per request. No finish. No installation. We service nation wide.

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Jim Illingworth Millwork, LLC
Phone : 315-232-3433
Text : 315-486-2416
For more custom wood windows, doors, moldings and turnings visit : www.illingworthmillwork.com